Office Solutions
Easily connect, control and manage your workflow anywhere while boosting productivity, convenience and security. The results: lower costs and increased efficiency.

Smart Assistant
Digital workplace assistants built on ConnectKey® Technology help businesses discover new ways to work smarter, more securely and create the most productive workplace. It’s time to stop thinking about printers as standalone, task-specific workhorses, and start demanding more up-to-date, useful and usable solutions.
Enterprise Content Management
Xerox® DocuShare® is a content management platform designed to spark peak performance at your organization. When your company’s digital files are on Xerox® DocuShare®, your staff can access the documents, images, layouts and presentations they need to collaborate, make informed decisions and get things done. By having all files in one place, DocuShare® improves workflow, and makes it easier to stay organized and stay on track.
Print Management
Waste reduction and cost control is not about using a stick, it’s about subtly changing user behavior (a stick may help!). PaperCut is packed full of features such as encouraging duplex printing, implementing reasonable usage quotas, and full pay-for-print and print chargeback policies.
Did you know that implementing just one feature, like secure print release, can help save as much as 15%.